Food52 Genius Recipe #49 English Porridge

Getting down to the last couple of breakfast recipes got us to English Porridge, something that I've been reluctant to make because it uses steel-cut oats. I've only had them in these overnight oat things that Quaker Oats makes or used to make. I wasn't impressed with their texture and never tried them again. This recipe uses a mixture of steel-cut oats and rolled oats that gets combined with a 1:1 amount of milk and water. A sprinkle of salt goes in before simmering it all in a pot for about 20 minutes. You frequently stir the mixture until it thickens up. The rolled oats will get mushy but the steel-cut oats will be tender and pop a bit still. At this point, the recipe calls for a large pinch of sugar or a drizzle of maple syrup. You could really add fruit or any other topping, but I went with a combo of dark sugar and pure maple syrup.

This is another incredibly easy recipe to make. If you like instant oatmeal, this would be right up your alley. I enjoyed the difference in texture with the two different types of oats. Christine didn't mind the flavor but didn't like the texture. When I'm in the mood for oatmeal, I'll be making these for the foreseeable future since I have a lot of steel-cut oats left. 


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