Social Media Break

I'm struggling right now.

I'm searching for direction, trying figure out what I want to do in my life. I'm working on being a better person and want to get more fulfillment out of the work that I do. Instead of focusing and creating a plan, I spend way too much time on social media. It's easy to get lost in the lives of others, hilarious memes, constant "breaking news" updates, and the seemingly non-stop political coverage that is this time period's blood sport.

So for at least the month of February, I'll be taking a break from Twitter and Facebook (they're the only platforms I use). I've already deleted the apps off of my phone in an effort to help break the chains, so to speak. The hope is that I better use the time that I used to spend just mindlessly scanning through those feeds. Other than using that time towards working out whatever it is that I'm going through right now, there are a bunch of other things that will easily fill my time.

I'll spend less time reading tweets and more time reading the unread books I own. Less time getting caught up in other people's drama, more time enjoying shows I've wanted to watch. Less time finding the prefect GIF to respond with, more time finding stuff to donate or throw away. Less time reading about how something political makes a person feel, more time meditating so that I feel better.

There are a lot of other ways I'd like to spend my time, this break is to facilitate that. Will it work? Only time will tell. I just know that I have to do something. I'll probably be publishing more stuff here as I work through things.

If we're close, you won't have any issue contacting me. If we aren't, feel free to send me an email or respond to this post below.


  1. Hi Daniel! I'm the sole parent to two kiddos, 10 and 7. I work full-time and I'm taking online classes to obtain the degree I never sought after high school. I found your blog while looking for an image to place on my Facebook page to let my friends and family know "I'm out" without sounding too pompous (and without fully deleting my account). Not only do I need to step back and focus on my studies and managing my time more wisely, but I would also catch myself feeling FOMO and having distasteful thoughts or bitter reactions to some of my friends/family because of the horrible way in which I compare my life to others and find myself jealous...even though I am fully aware I'm just seeing the "highlight reel" and not the nitty-gritty that gets left out behind filters or cropped images (or sugar coated postings). Longest sentence ever by the way wow. If you're still at this point, thank you? I didn't mean for this to turn into a book, but I did want to reach out and say thank you for this post. As this was done almost a year ago, I do wonder how this worked out for you? Did you find more fulfillment? Did it stick, as you perhaps found yourself happier? Freer?

    1. Sorry I missed this reply. I didn't feel like it helped me all that much. I've come to rely on the network of online friends I've made, especially on Twitter.

      2019 was a rough year for me and you can read more about that in my most recent post. Thank you for reading and I hope you were able to find a better balance in your life.


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