2022 New Year's Goals Update


We're halfway through the year and I'm doing pretty well with these goals. I could definitely be doing a lot better with some of them, but I'm not stressing about it too much. It's been a much more relaxed year so far, goals wise, as I'm not feeling overwhelmed with just too much to try and complete before the end of the year.

Goal #1: Improve Overall Health

Of the two main goals, this is the one that I could be doing better with for sure. Seeing some improvements across the board, but need to be more disciplined if I'm going to get there.

Get Below 25% Body Fat

I'm getting pretty close to completing this one, currently sitting under 27% according to my new home scale. My Amazon Halo body scan has me a bit higher, but being diligent with calorie and macros tracking, I'm down from the beginning of the year. Finding "healthier" snacks has helped with this goal a lot. However, I need to cut back on snacking from our overloaded pantry of goodies. Of the three, this will be the one I'm sure I can complete.

Average Sleep Score Above 85

Here's the thing, I like to stay up late and I have to be up early during the week. That being said, when I'm choosing to go to bed at a normal hour for me, I'm getting very good rest. Between the kids being sick here and there and me watching A LOT of playoff hockey in May and June, my scores could have been better. I probably can't get the average up to 85 for the year, but will try to get there for each of the remaining months of the year. There are my average scores for this year so far:

  • January - 83
  • February - 82
  • March - 81
  • April - 81
  • May - 77
  • June - 79
6 month average: 80.5

Reduce Phone Screen Time

Using the Digital Wellbeing app that comes with the Google Pixel has been helpful, but sometimes I just delay the time and keep watching stuff like TikTok or hockey. Now that the NHL season is over, I just need to break that TikTok addiction. When it comes to apps like Twitter and Facebook, I almost always just stop using them once I've hit my daily limit. I plan to put a strict 30 minutes on all phone apps starting July 1.

Unfortunately, my phone doesn't track data past a few weeks but I think I have a general grasp on how much screen time I'm getting. This is the one I've struggled the most with of all 6 mini goals. It really shows just how attached to my phone I am and why it's necessary that I make some changes.

Goal #2: Grow First State Pizza

I have absolutely loved working on this project. Things are just humming along and I'm crushing all three of these goals. I'm still not sure what I want to do with this whole idea going forward, but I'm having a great time learning, eating, and sharing a lot of tasty pizza.

Invest in Better Equipment

I ended up buying an Ooni Koda 12 pizza oven, pizza peel, and turning peel. Ever since I starting using the new oven, I haven't gone back to using the stone and regular oven. No more preheating for an hour, warming up the house, and possibly setting off the smoke alarm. Now I can knock out 4 pizzas in less than 30 minutes. The crust is so much better and I really enjoy slinging pies every week. At some point in the future, I may upgrade and get the Ooni Koda 16, which is bigger. That would allow me to make bigger pizzas and cook two pizzas at once with a second oven. If I want to turn this into a side business or something, that would be a necessity. 

Grow Social Media Presence

I've been crushing the initial goal of getting 1000 follower on the FSP Instagram account by the end of the year. I'm on track to hit that this in the next few days (only 3 more follows to go!) and should continue on to around 1500 by the end of the year. I've learned and been inspired by so many accounts on there. It's taken some doing to get decent pictures and even that is very much a work in progress. Video seems to be the way Instagram is heading, so I'll need to learn how to do more of that as well. People are very encouraging and a few have even reached out to offer help using the Ooni oven.

Facebook and Twitter are getting cross posts from the Instagram account. Unless this turns into a business of some sort, I don't see myself putting much effort into growing either of those pages this year. They're nice places to share with family and friends on each of the respective platforms.

Make 100 Pizzas 

This is another goal that I'm pretty far ahead on as the latest batch brings my total to 68. July will be a light month because of two long vacations, but I'm going to try and squeeze some batches in there. I don't see how I would fail to break 100 at this point, especially because we have some get togethers scheduled and guests staying over this summer and fall. If I had to guess, I'll end up between 120 and 150 by year's end. 


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