
Showing posts from January, 2018

A Trip to Starbucks and Why "Coffee" is Making Us Fat

I'm fat. Let's just get that out of the way before you start harassing me about fat shaming or some other nonsense. Does being fat give me permission to rag on other people who are fat? Not exactly but at least we're on the same playing field. We all know obesity is an epidemic in this country and drinks play a huge role in that. But I'm not talking about alcohol or soda, though they do play a large part, no I'm talking about "coffee". Coffee, when consumed black, only has 2 calories per 8oz cup according to the USDA nutrient database. That means I could drink hundreds of cups a day and my waistline would be just fine. But that's not how the majority of America consumes coffee. Instead, we as a society pour hundreds of calories worth of sugar and cream into our drinks until they essentially become a coffee flavored dessert. Waiting for Coffee It wasn't until I encountered something last weekend that made me have this thought about a problem

10 games I enjoyed in 2017

I played more games in 2017 than any other year thus far. When you throw in online plays I reached well over 1000 plays. That seems like a lot, and it is, but it's inflated due to my Star Realms obsession last year. I had played a couple hundred games in 2017 before I wrote about having played it 500 times , and then I played 500 more games from then until December and stopped at an even 1000 total plays. I likely won't do that again this year but the game is that good so I won't rule anything out. But I'm not here to gush over Star Realms, I'm here to highlight 10 games that I enjoyed in 2017. When I decided to write this article, I quickly realized that I wish I was one of those people who tracks their plays because that would have made things a lot easier. Lucky for me I tend to take pictures of the games I play to post on social media so it just took some digging to remember everything I tried. There were so many games to pick from that I decided to break it

2017 New Year's resolutions recap & 2018's resolutions

2017's Resolution Recap I was bold setting six resolutions for 2017 and really have no excuse as to why I wasn't able to get all of them done, other than I just got lazy. I did complete three of them after squeezing in a couple of games with Christine on New Year's Eve to get the third one done. This is what I wanted to get done last year: 1) Complete my 17 unplayed games in 2017 list 2) Read 6 books 3) Use dehydrator to make jerky 4) Use canning kit to make jam 5) Make more homemade ice cream 6) Get the percentage of unplayed games in my collection below 10% By the beginning of October, I had already completed number one. Shortly after, I read the sixth book to complete number two. As I said before, I just squeaked in number six with only hours to spare. Numbers three, four, and five would have been so easy to do but I just never got around to them. I thought about rolling them into this year but decided against it because I really want to focus on the three I